"What Light is Lighting Your Path?"
“What Light is Lighting Your Path?”
Isaiah 50:1-11
1. The _________ of the people of Judah:
2. (vs. 1) The Lord responds
a. Where is the _____________________?
Deuteronomy 24:1-3
b. Who did I sell you to?
c. You were ______ away because of your ____.
3. (vs 2) The Lord’s question to the people.
4. (vs. 2) The Lord responds
a. Was my arm too _______ to ________ you?
b. Do I lack the __________ to ________ you?
c. Here is what I am able to do.
5. (vs. 4-9) The _________ of a ________ for the people.
Matthew 27:27-31
6. (Vs. 10-11) The response to the Savior.
a. (vs 10) _____, ____________, ______ and ________ on God.
b. (vs. 11) Walk in the _______ of your _____ ______.